My name is Wendy Morri and everything on this site has been made by me.
I love all craft but particularly anything stitched or made with fabric. My first loves are miniature Teddybears which are between 2.5″ and 5″ tall and box making. I quilt, embroider, tried my hand at Papercraft, pyrography and Marbling, amongst other things, but always return back to fabric. I’ve crafted since I was a small child, knitting a scarf for my father when I was 5 and dressing my Sindy dolls. I haven’t looked back since.

I sell my craft at the Westbury on Trym Country Market every Friday in the Methodist Church Hall. You can contact me via my Contact Page or message me from my Facebook Page.
I’m happy to give a talk at your group or teach a new skill. You arrange the venue and attendees and I will bring along everything required for the talk or workshop. I have 1 hour, half day, full day and 2 day courses. I can teach upto 12 people at a time. Contact me to discuss options and the cost. I’m very reasonable and the workshop will be taylored to your requirements.

During the pandemic my fabric masks were in demand and I was posting them all over the country
Updated by Wendy 1 November 2021